

^abc, start with abc

abc$, end with abc

^abc$, exact match abc


c*, zero or more c

(ab)*, zero or more ab and capture it

c+, one or more c

c?, zero or one c

c{2}, 2 c

c{2,}, 2 or more c

c{2, 4}, 2 to 4 c

OR operator

(a|b), a or b, and capture it

[ab], a or b, without capturing it


\d, a digit char

\w, a word char, alphanumeric + underscore

\s, a whiter space char

., any chars

\D, \W, \S, inverse match respectively

\, escape chars ^.[$()|*+?{\


g, global

m, multi-line

i, case-insensitive


Grouping and Capturing

(ab), a capturing group ab

(?:ab), disable the capturing group

(?<foo>bc), name the capturing group foo


[a-z], a lower case letter

[0-9], a single decimal digit number

[a-fA-F0-9], a single hexadecimal digit, case insensitive

[^a-zA-Z], not a letter, ^ is negation inside []

Greedy and Lazy Match

*, +, {}, greedy operators

?, can be used to make it lazy



\babc, abc begin on a word boundary

abc\b, abc end on a word boundary

\babc\b, exact word abc

\Babc, abc not begin on a word boundary

abc\B, abc not end on a word boundary

\Babc\B, abc not begin and end on a word boundary


([abc])([def])\2\1, \1 or \2 matches the first or second captured group

(?<foo>[abc])\k<foo>, \k<foo> match the captured group named foo

Look-ahead and Look-behind

a(?=b), a that is followed by b

(?<=b)a, a that is preceded by b

a(?!b), a that is not followed by b

(?!b)a, a that is not preceded by b